Tension Levelling Lines
Esmech Equipment Tension Levelling Lines provide excellent metal sheet flatness required for high quality applications.
The tension leveller levels the strip by making the sheet fibre lengths uniform across its entire width. It does this by elongating parts of the metal beyong their yield point. When the strip passes through the leveller under tension, internal stresses in the material are eliminated, thus helping to achieve flatness or shape correction tolerances to near “I” units.
Tension levelling lines can be “Coil-to-Coil” or “Coil-to-Sheet” type or a combination type, offering both of these facilities.
Special Feature
01Tension LevellerThe tension comprises an undriven leveller arrangement with entry and exit bridles. The degree of elongation is determined by the difference in the speed or the tension generated between the bridles and is controlled automatically by the electrical system. The bridles can be provided with any of several different drive systems such as closed loop mechanical differentials, all-electrical drives and combination electrical-mechanical drives. The leveller can be equipped with the 2,4,5 or 7 work roll modules. The configuration of 4 Hi or 6 Hi can be provided depending on the extent of surface criticality and type of material. The tension leveller design allows good access for cleaning and maintenance. The tension levellers are also provided with neutralising sections which follow the work roll modules. They relieve the stresses induced in the strip as it passes over the last work roll. These sections can be of a 2 roll or a multiple roll design and neutralise cross bow and cannoe.